opinion n. 1.意见;看法;见解;〔常 pl.〕主张。 2.舆论(=public opinion);(善恶的)判断,评价。 3.(专家的)鉴定;判定。 one's political opinions 政(治)见(解)。 a medical opinion 医生的意见。 a counsel's opinion 律师的意见。 act up to one's opinions 遵循自己的信念而行动;照自己主张行事。 a matter of opinion 看法不同的问题。 be of the opinion that ...相信,以为,认为。 get another opinion 征求别人意见。 have [form] a bad [low, mean, poor, unfavourable] opinion of (对某人或某事)评价甚低,轻视,瞧不起。 have [form] a good [high, favourable] opinion of (对某人或某事)有很高的评价,重视,佩服。 have another opinion 请别人鉴定一下。 have no opinion of 不大理会,不大佩服。 have the best opinion 请教高明的专家。 have the courage of one's opinions 勇敢的陈述[实行]主张。 in one's opinion 据某人意见。 in the opinion of 据…的见解。 of the same opinion 抱同一意见。 pass on opinion 下结论。 win (the) golden opinions 受众人尊敬。
Gibbon, however, is of opinion that theirs was a valid marriage . 但是,据吉本看来,这二人的婚姻是经过正当手续的。
The former is of opinion that the boundary of karst - groundwater system in research area is in consonance with the boundary of " tong - pu - he subsystem of karst groundwater " in east wei bei 前人认为,研究区岩溶水系统边界即为渭北东部的“铜蒲合子系统”边界。
Based on the argument , the author analyzes the independence of economic law and the relation among economic law public law and private law . in the author ' s opinion , economic law is independent of legal mode or types of law but not independent of legal department . the author is of opinion that independence of economic law is unrelated to the partition between public law and private law 并从这一观点出发,对经济法的独立性、经济法与公法、私法的划分问题提出了不同看法,认为经济法并非在部门法意义上独立,而是独立于法律类型或法律模式,并且这种独立性也与公法、私法的划分问题没有直接联系。